Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
5. Open the Image menu and observe the two new shortcuts you just
made appear in the menu as symbols on the Mac or abbreviations on
Windows (see Figure 2.7).
6. Press Cmd+W to close the open document. (Click Don't Save if prompted.)
FIGURe 2.7 New Crop
and Trim keyboard shortcuts
appear in the Image menu
Working with documents
Whatever you open in Photoshop appears within a document tab or window. Each
document is stored in RAM, so the more memory your computer has, the larger
and more documents you can open at the same time. In the following steps you
will open several documents and learn to arrange them in several ways.
1. Go to the topic's Downloads page at
/photoshopessentials . Browse to Chapter 2 and downlo ad the
sample files.
2. In Photoshop, press Cmd+K to open the Preferences dialog box.
Select the Interface page in the Preferences dialog box and select
Open Documents As Tabs if it is not already selected. Click OK.
3. Press Cmd+O (Open), select all four JPG files, and press Enter. Four
documents appear as tabs across the top of the work area background
(known as tabbed documents). Click each tab to view one photo at
a time.
4. Select Window a Arrange a 4-up (known as n-up viewing).
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