Graphics Programs Reference
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ChAPteR 7
selecting Pixels
Selecting pixels is the key to manipulating portions of images. Without
selection, any adjustments, filters, or masks you apply would affect the entire
image. Photoshop has many different selection tools for use in different situ-
ations. In this chapter you'll learn how to choose the right tool for the job by
using marquees and lassos, selecting by drawing, painting and by color, and
finally, quick selecting and refining for the most efficient results.
Selecting with marquees
Selecting with lassos
drawing selections
painting selections
Selecting by color
Quick selecting and refining
selecting with Marquees
Marquees are windows that you drag across an image to select pixels. Marquees
can be square, rectangular, circular, or elliptical. Selection borders appear as
a series of dashed lines that slowly migrate along the edge. Selection edges
are called marching ants because of this uncanny resemblance.
Using the Rectangular Marquee
In the following steps you will create rectangular marquees and use the
proportions of a golden rectangle (see Chapter 1, “Design Basics,” for more
information on this aesthetically pleasing fixed ratio).
1. Go to the topic's Downloads page at
/go/photoshopessentials , browse to Chapter 7, get t he
ile  Landscape.jpg , and open it.
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