Graphics Programs Reference
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7. Press T to select the Text tool. Position the cursor over the ellipti-
cal path. When the cursor displays the curving path icon, click the
path. Set the Font Height to 60 pt. Type the following words with
four spaces between each word: Wisdom Knowledge Understanding
Mysteries Arcana Sophia . The words appear on the elliptical path.
Click the Commit Any Current Edits button.
You can also get text
to follow an open
path drawn with the
pen tool.
8. Press A to select either the Path Selection or Direct Selection tool.
Position the cursor over the text wrapping along the elliptical path.
Drag when the cursor changes to an icon with two arrows and you'll
be able to drag the text around that path. Arrange the words so that
Wisdom is the word on the upper left.
if you drag text
aligned to a path
across the path
direction, it will flip
over vertically.
9. Press T and click the point between the letters W and i in Wisdom
where there is too much space. Set Kerning to -100 in the Character
panel and the letters are pulled closer together. Click the Commit Any
Current Edits button. Figure 6.14 shows the result.
FIGURe 6.14 Completed text manipulation project
10. Save your work as Fine Tuning Text.psd and close the file. This file
is provided on the topic's web page for your convenience.
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