Graphics Programs Reference
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4. With the Path Selection tool still active, select the circle at the top
of the logo. Press Cmd+C and Cmd+V to copy and paste the shape
in place. Drag the copied circle down to the lower-left corner of the
blue triangle. Use the arrow keys to nudge the copied shape into posi-
tion so that it is centered on the tip of the blue triangle as shown in
Figure 5.10.
the blue portion of
the circle disappears
because both coinci-
dent circles are in
exclude Overlapping
Shape areas mode.
FIGURe 5.10 Copying an existing shape and
repositioning it at the lower-left point of the triangle
5. Press Cmd+C and Cmd+V again to make a coincident copy of the
second circle. Drag the third circle over the lower-right point of the
triangle. Use the left and right arrow keys to nudge the circle so that
its center is on the tip of the blue triangle.
6. Hold Shift and select the circle in the lower-left corner of the tri-
angle so that you have both lower circles selected. Open the Path
alignment drop-down and select Vertical Centers. Figure 5.11
shows the result.
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