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Figure 13.6
The main GLMRepeated Measures dialog window.
study. We have specified the variable name project and indicated that it
has two levels.
Clicking Define in the Define Factor(s) window brings us to the GLM
Repeated Measures main dialog window shown in Figure 13.6. We place
simple and complex in slots 1 and 2, respectively, of the Within-Subjects
Variables panel and leadstyl in the panel for Between-Subjects Factor(s)
as shown in Figure 13.7.
Select the Options pushbutton to reach the Options dialog window.
Bring over the three effects of interest to the Display Means panel and
check Descriptive statistics and Homogeneity tests . This is shown in
Figure 13.8. Click Continue to return to the main dialog window.
In the Plots dialog box, click over project to the Horizontal Axis
because it is the within-subjects variable; we generally want the within-
subjects variable on the x axis of the plot. Click over leaderstyl to the
SeparateLines panel. We have shown this in Figure 13.9. This will produce
a plot with three lines (one for each leadership style), each representing a
different set of cases. We can then trace how each has performed across
the two kinds of projects. Click Add to register your plot with SPSS and
click Continue to return to the main dialog window. Then click OK to
perform the omnibus analysis.
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