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Figure 9.1 such that our major split was on the kidshome variable, we
knew to select this independent variable first to have it change most slowly
in the output showing the observed means. With politics on the x axis of
our plots, we opt for this variable to change most rapidly and thus move
it into the Fixed Factor(s) panel last. That leaves voter to be moved over
What if you did not know how in advance of the data analysis how you
would present the design and the results? If you obtained a statistically
significant three-way interaction, we advise you to record all of the cell
means first. These are all available from the Descriptive Statistics table,
although the means for the variable that is changing more rapidly will
be a bit easier to quickly read. Once you examine all of the cell means
you can determine how you want to structure your report of the results.
That, in turn, will suggest to you the order that you will probably want
to move the independent variables into the Fixed Factor(s) panel. As we
will see, this decision will also affect which simple effects analyses you will
perform (you can also Paste the syntax and move these variables to the
desired positions on the main command line).
Click the Options pushbutton to reach the Options dialog window
shown in Figure 9.6. Click over all of the effects (the three main effects, the
three two-way interactions, and the three-way interaction) from the left
Move all of your effects
into this panel. Each will
receive its own table of
estimated marginal means
and have its own
subcommand in the syntax
(to which we can
add our simple effects
syntax as needed).
Figure 9.6 Options dialog window.
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