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Figure 9.7 Plots dialog window.
panel labeled Factor(s) and Factor Interactions to the right panel labeled
DisplayMeans for . The bottom half of the Options window concerns the
observed means. Under the Display heading, check Homogeneity tests
and Descriptive statistics .
Clicking the Plots pushbutton presents the dialog window shown in
Figure 9.7. From the Factors panel, click politics over to the Horizontal
Axis panel, click voter over to the Separate Lines panel, and then click
kidshome under separate plots. Then click Add to register the plot with
SPSS. Doing so will place politics
kidshome in the Plots panel
at the bottom of the window. Clicking Continue returns us to the main
dialog window. Now click OK to run the omnibus analysis.
that we requested in the Options dialog window is shown in Figure 9.8
as a Descriptive Statistics table. Since we originally clicked over the inde-
pendent variables in the main dialog window in the order kidshome ,
voter ,and politics , SPSS kept that ordering in its output. Because of this
ordering, in reporting the cell means and standard deviations, liberal ,
moderate ,and conservative are shown for each level of voter (yes and
no) for each level of kidshome .
The means for the politics variable are most easily seen in the Descrip-
tives Statistics table, but the means for all of the effects are actually con-
tained in this output. For example, the top third of the table represents the
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