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Figure 8.7
The main GLMUnivariate dialog window.
over to the Dependent Variable panel and click gender and reside over
to the Fixed Factor(s) panel. We will first run the omnibus analysis to
determine which effects are significant. Based on those results we will
then determine which post-ANOVA analyses we will perform.
Click the Options pushbutton to reach the Options dialog window
shown in Figure 8.8. The top half of the window displays the Esti-
mated Marginal Means . Such means are unweighted in that they rep-
resent the average of the group means without taking into account the
sample sizes on which those means were based. SPSS presents these in
separate tables and uses these estimated marginal means to plot the
interaction. We will click over the two main effects and the interac-
tion ( gender , reside , gender
reside ) from the left panel labeled Fac-
tor(s) and Factor Interactions to the right panel labeled Display Means
for .
The bottom half of the Options window displays the observed means.
Under the Display heading, we check Descriptive statistics to obtain
the observed means and standard deviations of the groups. It is also
necessary to determine if the data meet the homogeneity of variance
assumption, that is, the assumption that the conditions in the study
(the combinations of the levels of the independent variables) have equal
variances on the dependent variable), and so we check Homogeneity
tests .
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