Graphics Reference
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are needed to figure out how to load it with data. Once we have the name
of the uniform, we can find its location using glGetUniformLocation . The
uniform location is an integer value used to identify the location of the
uniform in the program (note that uniforms in the named uniform blocks
are not assigned a location). That location value is used by subsequent calls
for loading uniforms with values (e.g., glUniformlf ).
GLint glGetUniformLocation (GLuint program ,
const GLchar* name )
program handle to the program object
the name of the uniform for which to get the location
This function will return the location of the uniform given by name . If
the uniform is not an active uniform in the program, then the return
value will be -1. Once we have the uniform location along with its type
and array size, we can then load the uniform with values. A number of
different functions for loading uniforms are available, with different
functions for each uniform type.
void glUniform1f (GLint location , GLfloat x )
void glUniform1fv (GLint location , GLsizei count ,
const GLfloat* value )
void glUniform1i (GLint location , GLint x )
void glUniform1iv (GLint location , GLsizei count ,
const GLint* value )
void glUniform1ui (GLint location , GLuint x )
void glUniform1uiv (GLint location , GLsizei count ,
const GLuint* value )
void glUniform2f (GLint location , GLfloat x , GLfloat y )
void glUniform2fv (GLint location , GLsizei count ,
const GLfloat* value )
void glUniform2i (GLint location , GLint x , GLint y )
void glUniform2iv (GLint location , GLsizei count ,
const GLint* value )
void glUniform2ui (GLint location , GLuint x , GLuint y )
void glUniform2uiv (GLint location , GLsizei count ,
const GLuint* value )
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