Java Reference
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SR 3.17
Passing a positive integer parameter x to the nextInt method of a
Random object returns a random number in the range of 0 to x −1. So a
call to nextInt(20) will return a random number in the range 0 to 19,
SR 3.18
The ranges of the expressions are:
a. From 0 to 49 b. From 10 to 14 c. From 5 to 14
d. From -25 to 24
SR 3.19
The expressions to generate the given ranges are:
a. generator.nextInt (31); // range is 0 to 30
b. generator.nextInt (10) + 10; // range is 10 to 19
c. generator.nextInt (11) - 5; // range is -5 to 5
3.5 The Math Class
SR 3.20
A class or static method can be invoked through the name of the class
that contains it, such as Math.abs . If a method is not static, it can be
executed only through an instance (an object) of the class.
SR 3.21
The values of the expressions are:
a. 20 b. 16.0 c. 16.0 d. 243.0 e. 125.0 f. 4.0
SR 3.22
The following statement prints the sine of an angle measuring 1.23
System.out.println (Math.sin(1.23));
SR 3.23
The following declaration creates a double variable and initializes it to
5 raised to the power 2.5:
double result = Math.pow(5, 2.5);
SR 3.24
Examples of methods that are not listed in Figure 3.5 include:
static int min( int a, int b)
static float max( long a, long b)
static long round( double a)
3.6 Formatting Output
SR 3.25
To obtain a NumberFormat object for use within a program, you request
an object using one of the static methods provided by the NumberFormat
class. The method you invoke depends upon your intended use of the
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