Java Reference
In-Depth Information
SR 3.7
The output produced is:
SR 3.8
The following statement prints the value of a String object in all upper-
case letters:
System.out.println (title.toUpperCase());
SR 3.9
The following declaration creates a String object and sets it equal to
the first 10 characters of the String description;
String front = description.substring(0, 10);
3.3 Packages
SR 3.10
A Java package is a collection of related classes. The Java standard
class library is a group of packages that support common programming
SR 3.11
Each package contains a set of classes that support particular program-
ming activities. The classes in the package support network
communication and the classes in the javax.swing class support the
development of graphical user interfaces.
SR 3.12
The Scanner class and the Random class are part of the java.util package.
The String and Math classes are part of the java.lang package.
SR 3.13
The Point class, according to the online Java API documentation, rep-
resents a location with coordinates (x, y) in two-dimensional space.
SR 3.14
An import statement establishes the fact that a program uses a particu-
lar class, specifying what package that class is a part of. This allows the
programmer to use the class name (such as Random ) without having to
fully qualify the reference (such as java.util.Random ) every time.
SR 3.15
The String class is part of the java.lang package, which is automati-
cally imported into any Java program. Therefore, no separate import
declaration is needed.
3.4 The Random Class
SR 3.16
A call to the nextInt method of a Random object returns a random inte-
ger in the range of all possible int values, both positive and negative.
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