Java Reference
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following the main description. The inline tags, enclosed in the { and } delimiters,
can be placed anywhere in the description section or in the comments for block
tags. For example:
* This is an <strong>example</strong> document comment.
* The {@link Glossary} provides definitions of types used.
* @author Sebastian Niezgoda
Files Generated
The javadoc tool analyzes a java source file or package and produces a three-
part HTML document for each class. The HTML file is often referred to as a
documentation file. It contains cleanly organized information about the class file
derived from the doc comments included in the code.
The first part of the document contains an overall description of the class. The
class name appears first followed by a graphical representation of the inheritance
relationships. A general description is displayed next, which is extracted from the
first sentence of each doc comment entity (as discussed previously).
Next, a list of constructors and methods is provided. The signatures of all the
constructors and methods included in the source file are listed along with one-
sentence descriptions. The name of the constructor/method is a hyperlink to a
more detailed description in the third part of the document.
Third, complete descriptions of the methods are provided. Again, the signature
is provided first followed by an explanation of the entity, this time without the
one-sentence limit, which is obtained from the doc comments. If applicable, a list
of parameters and return values, along with their descriptions, is provided in the
respective sections.
The HTML document makes extensive use of hyperlinks to provide necessary
additional information, using the @see tag for example, and for navigational pur-
poses. The header and the footer of the page are navigation bars, with the following
Package provides a list of classes included in the package along with a
short purpose and description of each class.
Tree presents a visual hierarchy of the classes within the package. Each
class name is a link to the appropriate documentation HTML file.
Deprecated lists functionality that is considered deprecated that is used in
any of the class files contained in the package.
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