Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Tag Name
Inserts an “Author” entry with the specified text.
Same as <code>{@literal}</code>.
{ @code}
Inserts a bold “Deprecated” entry with the specified text.
{ @docRoot}
Relative link to the root of the document.
See @throws .
{ @inheritDoc}
Copies documentation from the closest inherited class or implemented
interface where used allowing for more general comments of
hierarchically higher classes to be reused.
{ @link}
Inserts a hyperlink to an HTML document. Use: {@link name url}.
{ @linkPlain}
Same as {@link} but is displayed as plain text.
Use: {@linkPlain link label}.
{ @literal}
Text enclosed in the tag is denoted literally, as containing any HTML.
For example, { @literal <td> TouchDown } would be displayed
as <td> TouchDown (<td> not interpreted as a table cell).
Inserts a “Parameters” section, which lists and describes parameters
for a particular constructor/method.
Inserts a “Returns” section, which lists and describes any return values
for a particular constructor/method. Use: @return description . An
error will be thrown if included in a comment of a method with the
void return type.
Included a “See Also” comment with a link pointing to a document
with more information. Use: @see link.
Used for a serializable field. Use: @serial text.
Used to document used to describe data written by the writeObject,
readObject, writeExternal, and readExternal methods.
Use: @serialdata text.
Used to comment on the ObjectStreamField .
Use: @serialField name type description.
Inserts a new “Since” heading that is used to denote when particular
features were first introduced. Use: @since text.
Includes a “Throws” heading. Use: @throws name description .
{ @value}
Returns the value of a code element it refers to. Use: @value code-
member label.
Add a “Version” heading when the -version command-line option is
used. Use: @version text.
FIGURE I.1 Various tags used in javadoc comments
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