Java Reference
In-Depth Information -b
We have set the physical network bind address to the host configuration with the property. The management interface must
be reachable for all hosts in the domain in order to establish a connection with the
domain controller.
Host configurations
After the domain controller is configured and started, the next step is to set up the
other hosts that will connect to the domain controller. On each host, we also need
an installation of JBoss AS 7, where we will configure the host.xml file (as an
alternative you can name the host file as you like, and start the domain with the
-host-config parameter. For example, ./ -host-config=host-
slave.xml .)
The first thing is to choose a unique name for each host in our domain in order to
avoid name conflicts. Otherwise, the default is the hostname of the server.
<host name="server1"
And for the other host:
<host name="server2"
Next, we need to specify that the host controller will connect to a remote domain con-
troller. We will not specify the actual IP address of the domain controller, but leave it
as a property named jboss.domain.master.address .
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