Hardware Reference
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FIGURE 2-3 Breakdown of pi@raspberrypi ~ $
Now try to interact with the computer by typing a command: type date into the termi-
nal and press Enter.
he Raspberry Pi tells you the date and time without needing to display a graphical
clock, and the command provides you with a response quickly.
A hostname is a word that identiies a computing device on a network. The
hostname of the Raspberry Pi is raspberrypi .
Commands for Navigating
Through Your File System
One of the most important tasks of an OS is to organise iles and folders (called direc-
tories in Linux). hese iles and directories are organised into a tree-like structure, in
which directories can contain other directories and iles. he File Manager, shown in
Figure 2-4, is a tool that lets you see what that structure looks like graphically. You can
access File Manager by clicking the icon next to the main menu icon on the taskbar at
the bottom of the desktop environment.
You can use simple commands to navigate through the ile system using the command
line. As with any navigation, you need to know where you are—your starting point—
before you can ind your way forward. Type pwd at the terminal prompt and press
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ pwd
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