Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Create > Graphics
The Artwork section contains backgrounds, picture
frames and graphics that can be added to your lay-
outs. Once a multi-image document is created, the
various components that are housed in this panel
can be used to add to, or alter, the look and feel of
your design. Many of the frame and background
options featured in these sections are also available
as Themes (a combination of both frame and back-
ground design) in the Photo Book dialog that you
first used to create the Photo Book.
Adding a new Background or Frame
To add a frame, background or any other entry from
the panel, select the entry and then drag the thumb-
nail from the panel to the pages displayed in the
To replace an existing frame, select the frame first
in the workspace and then double-click the frame
thumbnail. To replace a background, select the
thumbnail first in the pages section and then double-
click the background entry in the Artwork section.
Working with Graphics
To add a graphic to the layout either double-click
on the thumbnail entry in the Graphics pane of the
Artwork section of the Create panel, or drag the
thumbnail from the pane to the layout.
The Artwork pane contains Background,
Frames and Graphics areas with a series of
thumbnails of content that can be added to
your book designs.
All graphics can be scaled and rotated via the
corner, middle edge and rotate handles. Click the
graphic to activate the handles.
The Settings area in the
Text pane is used to ad-
just key aspects of your
Adding Text
Unlike the previous version of Elements, the Type
tool can be used to add text to any page layout.
There is no need to use a special text block. Text
can still be styled using the Styles section of the
Effects panel. This true for both the Basic and
Advanced modes of the photo projects workspace.
Double-clicking a thumbnail versions of a variety
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