Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Selections 12
When photographers first start to enhance their photos, they tend to apply changes to the
whole of the photo. Very quickly though, we all find that there are times when you will want
to restrict the alterations to just one part of the photograph. Thankfully the mechanics of
isolating changes in a digital photograph is easier than when photographers worked in the
darkroom with pieces of cardboard on short lengths of wire. That said, the basis of this ap-
proach is much the same as in darkroom days. Shield the parts of the photo where you don't
want changes while enhancing the sections where you do want changes.
Photoshop Elements provides several different tools that allow the user to isolate areas to
be changed. These features are called 'Selection' tools. Global enhancements are impor-
tant, but the ability to fine-tune image areas with selected adjustments has the potential to
transform the 'acceptable' to the 'exceptional'. In this chapter we will look at the mechanics
of creating and using selections.
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