Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Color depth: The section below the main preview
window in ACR contains the output options settings.
Here you can adjust the color depth (8 or 16 bits per
channel) of the processed file. Earlier versions of Pho -
toshop Elements were unable to handle 16 bits per
channel images but the last two releases have con-
tained the ability to read, open, save and make a few
changes to these high color files.
Opening the processed file in Photoshop Ele-
ments: The most basic option is to process the raw
file according to the settings selected in the ACR dia-
log and then open the picture into the Editor work-
space of Photoshop Elements. To do this simply select
the Open Image button. Select this route if you intend
to edit or enhance the image beyond the changes
made during the conversion.
Holding down the Alt
key whilst clicking the
Save button allows
you to store the file
(with the raw process-
ing settings applied)
without actually go-
ing through the Save
Options dialog.
Saving the processed raw file: Users also have the
abilit y to save conver ted raw files from inside the ACR
dialog via the Save Image button. This action opens
the Save Options dialog which contains settings for
inputting the file name as well as file type-specific
characteristics such as compression. Use the Save op-
tion over the Open command if you want to process
photos quickly without bringing them into the edit-
ing space.
Applying the raw conversion settings: There is
also an option for applying the current set tings to the
raw photo without opening the picture. By Clicking
the Done button (or Alt-clicking the OK button - hold-
ing down Alt key changes the button to the Update
but ton in previous versions of the dialog), you can ap -
ply the changes to the original file and close the ACR
dialog in one step.
The great thing about working this way is that the
settings are applied to the file losslessly. No changes
are made to the underlying pixels, only to the instruc-
tions that are used to process the raw file.
When next the file is opened, the applied settings will
show up in the ACR dialog ready for fine-tuning, or
even changing completely.
Keeping ACR up to date
The Adobe Camera Raw feature is installed as a plug-
in inside Photoshop Elements when you first install
the program. Periodically Adobe updates the feature
releasing a new version that can be freely down-
loaded and installed. Typically the updates contain
support for the latest digital camera models and occa-
sionally new features and tools are included as well.
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