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need college students surf the Internet time distribution to support our model con-
struction. Due to the title didn't give any data, gave us the process brings some diffi-
culty. Through research online to find previous results, by normalized, the average
time they can get all kinds of online distribution of Internet time, it is our other key to
solve task[3]. 3. In order to prevent students from excessive online, the school
adopted the segmented pricing strategy, how to formulate a reasonable sub-function
to effectively reduce the price students time spent online is the problem.We only need
to resolve the above three key can effectively completed the topic request of three
2 Queuing Models
The accounting management gateway is actually a fairly typical stochastic service
system, from network management perspective, this service gateway is a dynamic
real-time parallel queuing system more reception, and its characteristics are as
System service object is campus network users, they in turn, randomly arrival, in-
dependent, the process to reach is steady. Therefore, the user can be formed by the
arrival of the sequence in turn as input stream, can verify the input stream satisfy
poisson (poisson) input, also called the simplest flow conditions, namely the stability,
without the aftereffects character, single character also called universality. The system
is stable, and then we can get the statistics of the arrival rate of input stream. For pois-
son flow, in length as t time arrived within the probability of a customer k to random
poisson distribution In a certain period, due to the campus network inside each user
can be repeated several times online, so that users can be regarded as the general
source is unlimited[4].
When a user arrives within the campus network, if the system is full of members,
the user's service request was rejected, when he tried to log in again, the request shall
be considered as a new user;. If the system is not full, then accept the user's request,
allow the user access to a system, Therefore queuing rule is loss system, the queue
. If the customers arrive queuing system, all
service has been taken up by first customers, then they will automatically left the sys-
tem never comes[5].
Due to the system to serve the way at by turns every user, so each user into the sys-
tem were to enjoy exactly the same service, from a logical point of view, that the sys-
tem can have multiple virtual and independent service desk, its service capabilities is
same, and every time services only one user, therefore the system virtual station num-
ber just equals the number of customers in the system, and with the number of user
dynamically changes. Through the long period of statistics, we can get the user login
time of the mean value 1 /
and waiting time
for reception service efficiency), in theory, as long
as the number of users in the system does not exceed the limit of capacity, for any
user number k, users can't feel reception available resources reduce, we believe that
the average service rate of each desk is the same
, and the user's Internet time obeys
the negative exponential distribution parameter.
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