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The Application Research on Anti-counterfeiting of
Fractal Graphics in Color Printing Based on Newton
Iteration and Escape Time Algorithm
Fucheng You and Yujie Chen
Information & Mechanical Engineering School
Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
Beijing, 102600, China,
Abstract. The anti-counterfeiting printing which is a branch of feature printing
is an anti-counterfeiting technology. Anti-counterfeiting printing technology is
a measure which is used to prevent somebody unwarranted from copying,
counterfeiting and imitating. Fractal graphics is applied to color printing anti-
counterfeiting in this paper because of its protean shape and unpredictable
color. The detailed analysis of Julia set escape time algorithm of Newton
iterative method shows that the method of color printing anti-counterfeiting
combined with fractal graphics has prefect anti-counterfeiting functions. No one
can get the same graphics with original picture by common methods of
duplicating, scanning, photographing and other measures.
Keywords: printing anti-counterfeiting, fractal graphics, Newton iterative
algorithm, escape time algorithm.
1 Introduction
In real life, to obtain illegal revenues, some unscrupulous traders always deceive
consumers by copying others packaging pictures. Anti-counterfeiting technologies
date to Classic Age, it is particularly important in this rapid development economic
world. It is high sense of social responsibility. Anti-counterfeiting printing is an anti-
counterfeiting means of special printing technology. Such as high-precision version
pattern printing technology, chemical anti-counterfeiting ink, laser holograph anti-
counterfeiting printing technology, and so on. These new technologies bring layers of
obstructions and resistances to fakers [1].
New theory and high-tech will be applied to anti-counterfeiting to achieve better
and more effective anti-counterfeiting results in the future. They are hotspots of
research and application of current society. And fractal anti-counterfeiting is one of
Newton iteration is one important method of fractal theory [2]. Fractal graphics
created by Newton iteration are beautiful extremely and with countless changes. In
fractal graphics generation system, different fractal graphics are mainly controlled by
the parameters of color scheme and iterative coefficients [3].
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