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process has been going on, in order to achieve an improved mental health and
well-being in our daily lives, Jouper (2006). We have indeed a common view of
the individual approach of perception when sensing the world, but at the end,
there seems to be a strong connection to our cultural behaviours and traditional
experiences. The appreciation of and valuation in the stimuli given to us will too
often be neglected because the lifestyle of today is, with some exception, a life in
decadent with respect to perception performance. We are today simply not using
our full sensing capacity when appearing in situations that for some generations
ago would have been dangerous, if not obtaining the ability to perceive the right
information in time.
The character of the human perception has been demonstrated earlier in the topic,
mainly with the objective to bring about the fact that a variation of the perceptual
capacity exists and possible consequences thereof. This is then, of course further
biased by the internal mixing of an interaction with impressions and situations ex-
perienced earlier. This perception process seems to be of an individual-based char-
acteristic. The perceptual performance seems to be multidimensional in capability
and the subjective ability is inherent as a unique variation for every person. This
phenomenon provides the multidimensional aspects in a population indicating
that a person is unique and no one is similar in the perception, decision-making
and the action taken in different situations.
It may therefore be of interest to know the specific behaviour of oneself in
different situations. Maybe there is a possibility to understand the underlying ten-
dencies of how and why an individual perceives in a specific situation. A common
situation with a daily frequency of occurrence can be the interaction during the
intake of food. Therefore, the situational assessment process, when having a meal,
can be of importance and affecting the general mood, e.g., the degree of pleasure
when consuming the meal. The gathering together with a tasty choice of food,
will in different meal situations, most likely give rise to sensational preferences.
As examples, these situations provide different perception effects and are listed
- consuming a meal by yourself in your kitchen.
- eating dinner with your family.
- having lunch in fast food restaurant.
- eating an effective lunch in the car, or other transportation systems, in order to
save time.
- having a meal outside in the park, at the forest or at the seaside alone or with
- enjoying a cosy restaurant where you get your favourite cuisine, with the com-
panionship of your best friend(s).
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