Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
Cryptanalytic software.
Text from the Internet.
Free software packages, such as PGP.
topic directory:
WP directory:
C program to break the WordPerfect 5.1
encryption. It was discussed in Section 3.5.2.
Short helper program to determine constant parts
in the headers of WordPerfect files; it is invoked
as follows:
wph file1 file2 ...
vigenere directory:
This C program executes a Vigenere cipher of a
data stream (XORing with a periodically repeated
password). It is invoked on the command line:
vigenere keyword < plaintext > ciphertext
Repeated use turns the ciphertext back into the
plaintext. The program is intended only to create
ciphertexts for cryptanalysis.
For cryptanalysis of Vigenere-encrypted files. Its
operation is discussed in the source code. The
program was discussed in Section 3.6.3.
Helper program for vigcrack.c ; see there.
vigc crk.c
For cryptanalysis of Vigenere-encrypted
compressed files; see Section 3.6.4. Its invocation
is explained in the source code.
C, eng, wp
Frequency profiles for C programs, English texts,
and a German WordPerfect file, determined by
distr . You can easily create such files yourself.
trans directory:
escher.c, trans.c
trans is the 'pseudo-encryption' of an image,
included as an include file escher.c . (You can also
use other images in the X11 pixmap format, but
you have to edit the dimensions in trans.c .)
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