Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
As usual with free software, you use it at your own responsibility; nobody will
provide support for it, or guarantee for that software's proper working.
Internet addresses tend to change from time to time. I couldn't always state
them. Considering the quality and availability of current search engines (I
mainly had to use Altavista back then), it is probably easiest to launch your
favorite search engine and find the addresses on the Internet.
Data Formats and Language
Texts are available in one or several formats: PostScript (.ps), PDF (.pdf),
HTML files (.html), or simple ASCI (.txt or no extension). Almost all texts
are in English. I do not share some critics' comments that all texts should be
supplied in one single format: Some texts are available in PostScript format
only; searching for them is hardly possible. But exactly this can be important
in research work.
Most programs are available in C source code.
Operating systems
Most programs and program packages are from the UNIX/Linux world. You
find portability notes in the corresponding README files. I tested my own
programs exclusively under UNIX and Linux, but some of them surely run on
any systems and any C compiler (more comments further below).
A.2 Web Site to This topic
Our Web site includes five directories on the highest level:
The programs I created, and which are discussed
in this topic.
Cryptographic algorithms.
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