Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
g a (mod p )
g f (mod p )
g f (mod p )
g b (mod p )
( g f ) a = g af
( g f ) b = g bf
Figure 9.11. Man-in-the-middle attack against the Diffie-Hellman protocol
3. Bob continues the Diffie-Hellman protocol as if nothing untoward has
happened. Bob randomly generates a positive integer b and calculates g b .
Bob sends g b to Alice.
4. Fred intercepts this message before it reaches Alice. Fred then claims to be
Bob and sends g f to Alice instead of g b .
5. Alice nowbelieves that the Diffie-Hellman protocol has successfully completed.
She uses g f and her private integer a to compute g af
= ( g f ) a .
6. Bob also believes that it has successfully completed. He uses g f
and b to
( g f ) b .
7. Fred computes g af
compute g bf
( g b ) f . He now has two different shared
values, g af , which he shares with Alice, and g bf , which he shares with Bob.
( g a ) f and g bf
At the end of thisman-in-the-middle attack, all three entities hold different beliefs:
• Alice believes that she has established a shared value with Bob. But she is
wrong, because she has established a shared value with Fred.
• Bob believes that he has established a shared value with Alice. But he is wrong,
because he has established a shared value with Fred.
• Fred correctly believes that he has established two different shared values, one
with Alice and the other with Bob.
Note that at the end of this man-in-the-middle attack, Fred cannot determine the
shared value g ab that Alice and Bob would have established had he not interfered,
since both a and b remain secret to him, protected by the difficulty of the discrete
logarithm problem. Nonetheless, Fred is now in a powerful position:
• If Fred's objectivewas simply to disrupt the key establishment process between
Alice and Bob then he has already succeeded. If Alice derives a key K AF from
g af and then encrypts a message to Bob using this key, Bob will not be able
to decrypt it successfully because the key K BF that he derives from his shared
value g bf will be different from K AF .
• Much more serious is the situation that arises if Fred remains on the
communication channel. In this case, if Alice encrypts a plaintext to Bob using
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