Biomedical Engineering Reference
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In their pioneer paper, Osher and Sethian focused on motion under mean
curvature flow where the speed term is expressed as:
|∇ φ |
V = di v
Since its introduction, the concept of deformable models for image segmentation
defined in a level set framework has motivated the development of several fami-
lies of method that include: geometric active contours based on mean curvature
flow, gradient-based implicit active contours and geodesic active contours.
Geometric Active Contours
In their work introducing geometric active contours, Caselles et al . [12] proposed
the following functional to segment a given image I :
t =|∇ φ | g ( |∇ I | ) di v
|∇ φ |
+ ν
1 +|∇ G σ ( x , y ) I ( x , y ) |
g ( |∇ I ( x , y ) | ) =
2 ,
where ν 0 and G σ is a Gaussian convolution filter of standard deviation σ . The
idea defining geometric deformable models is to modify the initial mean curva-
ture flow of Eq. (2.7) by adding a constant inflation force term ν and multiplying
the speed by a term inversely proportional to the smooth gradient of the image.
In this context the model is forced to inflate on smooth areas and to stop at
high-gradient locations as the speed decreases towards zero.
Gradient-Based Level Set Active Contours
In their initial work on applications of the level set framework for segmentation
of medical images, Malladi et al . [8] presented a gradient-based speed function
for the general Hamilton-Jacobi type equation of motion in Eq. (2.5).
Their general framework decomposed the speed term into two components:
V = V a + V G ,
where V a is an advection term, independent of the geometry of the front and V G
is a remainder term that depends on the front geometry.
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