Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
1. What is image registration?
2. What is a correspondence function?
3. What is image warping?
4. What are the usual assumptions in motion analysis?
5. How would you use an atlas for segmentation?
6. Which four attributes do the authors use to classify registration algo-
7. What is the purpose of interpolation?
8. What is the relation between variational methods minimizing a scalar
criterion and methods described using PDEs? [For further study.]
9. Why should a warping model be adapted to the image?
10. What is the purpose of regularization in image registration?
11. What is the essence of multiresolution?
12. Explain the notion of consistency in the image registration context.
13. Try classify a typical landmark registration algorithm according to the
framework described in the first part of this chapter.
14. Why does the Laplacian variational criterion not penalize affine deforma-
15. Why are radial basis functions called radial?
16. What is landmark interpolation?
17. Explain the notion of separability for B-spline basis functions and its
impact on speed?
18. What is the consequence of setting the virtual spring weights α too high
or too low?
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