Biomedical Engineering Reference
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augment the data part of the criterion E with a term E s , corresponding to the
potential energy of the springs, and minimize the sum of the two: E c = E + E s .
The spring term is:
i = 1 α i g ( x i ) z i
E s =
where S is the number of springs, α i are weighting factors corresponding to
their stiffnesses, and x i , resp. z i , are the landmark positions in the reference,
resp., test images. The spring factors α i control the influence of the particular
landmark pairs.
As an example, we present the registration of an MRI slice from an atlas 7
with a sample MRI test image 8 . To identify the same structures in the test image,
we register it with the unlabeled version of the atlas. Once the geometric corre-
spondence is established, the structures and their labels from the atlas can be
projected onto the test image. The unsupervised registration correctly registers
some of the structures but misses others; in particular, the skull boundary (see
Fig. 9.9). If we now help the algorithm by identifying several landmarks in both
images (Fig. 9.10), the semi-automatic version can recover a plausible deforma-
tion, even though the landmark information alone (using e.g., thin-plate splines)
would not have been enough [112].
Adding the spring term privileges likely solutions based on our a priori knowl-
edge and makes the problem better-posed. The points need not to be image-
dependent landmarks. For example, anchoring the four corners of the image
prevents the solution from degenerating. In this way, the springs play in part the
role of a regularization factor.
Implementation Issues
The purpose of this section is to describe some specific aspects of our implemen-
tation. These are mostly independent of the main philosophy of the algorithm
but can have a major impact on its performance.
7 The atlas is a labeled and annotated collection of images. Courtesy of Harvard Medical
8 We use a proton density MR image from the Visible Human project section/index.html. Prior to
registration, the histogram of the test image was matched to that of the reference.
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