Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Existence and Unicity
Since the useful range of the parameters c is naturally compactly constrained
(for example, by excluding displacements larger than the image size) and since
the criterion E is non-negative and continuous with respect to c (if at least
linear interpolation for f t is used), it is clear that E as a function of c has
a minimum; i.e., the proposed problem has a solution. However, depending on
the images at hand, the solution does not have to be unique and there can
be local minima. Fortunately, this does not pose problems in practice, thanks
to a multiresolution approach (section which smoothes out images at
coarse levels and brings us sufficiently close to the solution at fine resolution
levels. The algorithm will find a solution if started within the attraction basin
of that solution. The virtual springs (section 9.4.7) play a role of an a prioiri
information and a regularization term; extra regularization can be applied, if
desired [88, 107] (section 9.4.9).
Optimization Strategy
Optimization Algorithm
Recall from (9.7) and (9.10) that we need to minimize a criterion E with respect
to a finite number of parameters c . To determine which of the many available
algorithms performs best in our context, we tested four local iterative algorithms
which can be cast into a following common framework: At each step i we take
the actual estimate c ( i ) and calculate a proposed update c ( i ) . If the step is
successful, i.e., the criterion decreases, then the proposed point is accepted,
c ( i + 1)
= c ( i )
+ c ( i ) . Otherwise, a more conservative update c ( i )
is calculated,
and the test is repeated.
1. Gradient descent with feedback step size adjustment. The update rule is:
c ( i )
=− µ c E ( c ( i ) ). After a successful step, µ is multiplied by µ f , other-
wise it is divided by µ f . 6
2. Gradient descent with quadratic step size estimation. We choose a step
size µ minimizing the following approximation of the criterion around c ( i ) :
E ( c ( i )
+ x ) = E ( c ( i ) ) + x T
c E ( c ( i ) ) + α x
2 , where α is identified from the
6 We used µ f = 10 and µ f = 15.
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