Biomedical Engineering Reference
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correspondence between any two coordinate systems is determined explicitly
by one of the displayed transformations or indirectly by concatenating two of
the transformations. For example, a point x in coordinate system B is mapped
to y in coordinate system C by the mapping y = h BA ( h AC ( x )), etc.
Figure 6.3 demonstrates that it is advantageous to design pairwise registra-
tion algorithms rather than N -wise registration algorithms that satisfy the tran-
sitivity property. The first advantage is that a pairwise algorithm only needs to
compute N 1 pairwise transformations as opposed to ( N 1)! pairwise trans-
formations. This reduces computation time and computer storage requirements
by a factor of ( N 2) factorial. Another advantage is that a pairwise algorithm
only requires one additional set of pairwise transformations to be computed to
add a new data set to the population. An N -wise registration algorithm requires
that all of the transformations to be recomputed to produce a set of transforma-
tions with the transitivity property.
In general, pairwise image registration algorithms do not produce trans-
formations that have the transitivity property. The degree of transitivity can
be evaluated by measuring the difference between the identity mapping
and the composition the transformations from image A -to- B , B -to- C , and C -
to- A .
Inverse Consistent Registration
Intensity-Based Small Deformation Inverse
Consistent Linear Elastic (I-SICLE) Image
The intensity-based small deformation inverse consistent linear elastic (I-SICLE)
image registration algorithm [26,33-35] jointly estimates the forward and reverse
transformations h and g by minimizing Eq. (6.1). The image intensity alone
is used to register the images with this algorithm. A small deformation linear
elastic continuum mechanical model is used to regularize the transformations.
A generalization of this technic allows for multiple template image modalities
or subvolumes to be registered to corresponding target modalities. The cost
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