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linear-elastic constraint has the form
2 dx +
2 dx
C REG ( u ) + C REG ( w ) =
|| Lu ( x ) ||
|| L w ( x ) ||
and can be used to regularize the transformations. The linear elasticity op-
erator L has the form Lu ( x ) =− α
2 u ( x ) β ( ∇· u ( x )) + γ u ( x ) where ∇=
. In general, L can be any non-
singular linear differential operator [30]. The limitation of using linear differen-
tial operators is that they can't prevent the transformation from folding onto
itself, i.e., destroying the topology of the images under transformation [31]. This
includes the linear elasticity and thin-plate spline models. The linear elasticity
operator is used in this work to help prevent the Jacobian of the transforma-
tion from going negative. At each iteration the Jacobian of the transformation
is checked to make sure that it is positive for all points in d which implies that
the transformation preserves topology when transforming images.
The purpose of the regularization constraint is to ensure that the transforma-
tions maintain the topology of the images T and S . Thus, the elasticity constraint
can be replaced by or combined with other regularization constraints that main-
tain desirable properties of the template (source) and target when deformed.
An example would be a constraint that prevented the Jacobian of both the for-
ward and reverse transformations from going to zero or infinity. A constraint
that penalizes small and large Jacobian values is given by C Jac ( h ) + C Jac ( g ) =
( J ( h ( x ))) 2
x 1 + 2
x 2 + 2
x 1 ,
x 2 ,
x 3
x 3
J ( h ( x )) 2
J ( g ( x )) 2
+ ( J ( g ( x ))) 2
dx where J denotes
penalize large and small Jacobians can be found in Ashburner et al . [21].
Transformation Parameterization
Until now, the forward and reverse transformations have been described as
general functions. In order to estimate the transformations, they must be pa-
rameterized. Examples of transformation parameterizations that are used in
practice include the 3D Fourier series [26], polinomials [32], b-splines [19, 24],
wavelets [17], and vector displacements [14, 15]. We will concentrate on a 3D
Fourier series parameterization in this chapter. In a 3D Fourier series param-
terization, each basis coefficient is interpreted as the weight of a harmonic
component in a single coordinate direction. The discretized displacement fields
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