Biomedical Engineering Reference
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only necessary to compute the transformations and the inverse of the trans-
formations at the discrete voxel locations. Let d denote the discrete center
locations of the voxels in the coordinate system . The discrete inverse trans-
formation is computed using the following procedure only at the discrete voxel
For each y d do {
Set δ = [1 , 1 , 1] T , x = y , iteration = 0.
While ( || δ || > threshold) do {
δ = y h ( x )
x = x + 2
iteration = iteration + 1
if (iteration > max iteration) then
Report algorithm failed to converge and exit.
h 1 ( y ) = x
The threshold is typically set between 10 2 and 10 4 and the maximum num-
ber of iterations is set to 1000. In practice, the algorithm converges when the
minimum Jacobian of h is greater than zero although we have not proved this
mathematically. Reducing the value of the threshold gives a more accurate in-
verse but increases the iteration time. This algorithm normally converges quickly
and is computationally efficient. However, this algorithm has a tendency to get
stuck in osciations and is detected by the if statement. The inverse at these oscil-
latory points can be estimated using gradient descent to solve the minimization
|| y h ( x ) || for x keeping y fixed. Alternatively, the failure of the algorithm to
converge at a point can be ignored since it will not have a signficant effect on
the registration and will be corrected at the next iteration.
Regularization Constraint
Minimizing the cost function in Eq.(6.2) does not ensure that the transforma-
tions h and g are diffeomorphic transformations except for when C ICC = 0.
Continuum mechanical models such as linear elasticity [22, 29] and viscous
fluid [15, 22] can be used to regularize the transformations. For example, a
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