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associated to the functional is
( κ g −∇ g , n ) n = 0
where κ is the mean curvature of the evolving surface and n is its outer uni-
tary normal vector. So, the evolution of the surface is driven by the associated
gradient descent equation
S t = ( κ g −∇ g , n ) n
Following this equation, the surface evolves toward the minimum of the
functional, which is achieved at the edges of the image. The resulting steady-
state surface is a model of the object of interest. The level set method [29] is used
to track its motion, allowing topological changes in the surface and avoiding
numerical instabilities. Basically, the level set method consists in embedding
the evolving surface in a manifold one dimension higher than S , and implicitly
represented by a function φ . The surface S can be reconstructed as the level set
zero of φ . If the manifold evolves following the equation
|∇ φ |
φ t = g · di v
|∇ φ |−∇ g , φ
then the evolution of the zero level set of φ is equivalent to the evolution of S
driven by Eq. (5.9).
Introduction of Region-Based Information
in the GAC Model
The GAR model [19] combines the classical GAC model [27] with region-based
statistical information incorporated into the classical energy functional. There-
fore, in places where the gradient is weak, regional information drives the evo-
lution of the surface thus being more robust than GAC.
A surface S provides a partition of the space in three regions: inside ( in ),
outside ( out ), and the boundary itself ( S ). Considering the surface evolving in
the domain of a three-dimensional image, the surface provides the following
partition at each time:
( t ) = in ( t ) out ( t ) S ( t ) .
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