Databases Reference
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FIGURE 8-33 The properties for KPI, AW_sales.
Create a scorecard
KPIs are built on measures and presented in scorecards and dashboards. The scorecard is the vehicle
for indicators and KPIs and becomes the end-user result of the complete lifecycle of a BI solution.
That lifecycle is described in Chapter 3, where developers prepare data that can be trusted; put that
data into a cube so that the cube becomes the ideal data source for the scorecard; and where KPIs
display the measures in meaningful ways to assist with data-driven decision making.
Scoring uses some terms that might be unfamiliar, but they're important as we proceed with con-
figuring our scorecard. The following list provides only brief descriptions of an otherwise complex set
of concepts:
Score A calculated value between 0 and 1 that indicates a relative position. 0 is the worst
and 1 is the best.
Scoring pattern The language that describes what is good or bad in a score such as
“increasing is better” = “a higher value is better.” Or, “decreasing is better” = “a lower value is
Threshold The minimum value connected to an indicator that produces a change or speci-
fied effect to the indicator.
Banding The input type for the threshold boundaries. Some are entered as percent; ages
from the target, and others are numeric values with absolute values.
Normalize In KPI hierarchies where there is a parent-child relationship, normalizing
describes how scores are combined to represent the parent or rollup score.
Important Your selections for scoring determine how your indicators and visualizations
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