Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Workspace file
You can create and save a workspace file on your computer to view and manage dashboard objects,
which are also reusable. You save time by not browsing a large list of dashboard objects created and
saved by others to SharePoint lists and document libraries.
What's new in PerformancePoint Services 2013
SharePoint Services is a service application integrated with SharePoint Server 2013. Additionally, the
benefits of document management, backup and restore, and other SharePoint-specific advantages
apply to PerformancePoint assets. These include SharePoint features such as a simplified security
model, workflow, and more.
What's new for designers
The following are features added to help the designer.
New SharePoint 2013 site themes
PerformancePoint now respects new theming features in SharePoint 2013. The background images
from the theme appear behind the elements on your dashboard.
New filter enhancements
PerformancePoint filters boast enhancements, with which you can do the following:
Show subselections in tree filters by bolding each parent in the hierarchy
Dynamically size the tree filter height based on the number of visible items in the tree
You can select different tree filter actions by any of the following means:
Selecting all
Clearing all
Resetting to default
Selecting children
Getting all filter items (when 5,000 limit is reached)
Create a filter based on a measure
See significant performance improvements
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