HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Test driving the background image
Well, this is certainly an interesting test drive we have
a background image, but it appears to be repeated
many times. Let's take a closer look at how to use CSS
background images, and then you'll be able to fix this.
H ere's t he guar antee star im age in the bac kgroun d.
N otice that it sits on top of the b ackgrou nd colo r,
a nd bec ause it has a t ranspa rent ba ckgrou nd, it
l ets the color show t hrough.
Also notice that background ima ges, like the background
color, only show under the cont ent area and padding,
and not outside the border in t he margin.
CSS Up Close
The background-image property places an image in the background
of an element. Two other properties also affect the background image:
background-position and background-repeat.
background-image: url(images/background.gif);
Not ice that no quo tes are
requ ired ar ound th e URL.
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