Geology Reference
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Vertical and Horizontal Exaggeration
Both vertical and horizontal exaggeration are used to help visualize and interpret the
structure on cross sections. Vertical exaggeration is a change of the vertical scale (usu-
ally an expansion) while maintaining a constant horizontal scale and is a common
mode of presentation of geological cross sections. Vertical exaggeration makes the relief
on a subtle structure more visible on the cross section (Fig. 6.5a). Horizontal exag-
geration is a change of the horizontal scale while maintaining a constant vertical scale
Fig. 6.5. Cross sections across Tip Top field, Wyoming thrust belt. a 3: 1 vertical exaggeration and a 0.5 : 1
horizontal exaggeration, as might be seen on a seismic reflection profile. b Unexaggerated cross sec-
tion. (Section modified from Groshong and Epard 1994, after Webel 1987)
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