Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Example 5-4. Getting the nth element of a delimited string
SELECT split_part ( 'abc.123.z45' , '.' , 2 ) As x ;
The string_to_array is useful for creating an array of elements from a delimited string.
By combining string_to_array with the unnest function, you can expand the returned
array into a set of rows, as shown in Example 5-5 .
Example 5-5. Converting delimited string to array to rows
SELECT unnest ( string_to_array ( 'abc.123.z45' , '.' )) As x ;
Regular Expressions and Pattern Matching
PostgreSQL's regular expression support is downright fantastic. You can return matches
as tables or arrays and do fairly sophisticated replaces and updates. Back-referencing
and other fairly advanced search patterns are also supported. In this section, we'll pro‐
vide a small sampling of these. For more information, see Pattern Matching and String
Functions .
Example 5-6 shows you how to format phone numbers stored simply as contiguous
Example 5-6. Reformat a phone number using back-referencing
SELECT regexp_replace (
'6197306254' ,
'([0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{4})' ,
E '\(\\1\) \\2-\\3'
) As x ;
(619) 730-6254
The \\1 , \\2 , etc. refer to the elements in our pattern expression. We use the reverse
solidus ( \ ) to escape the parentheses. The E' construct is PostgreSQL syntax for denoting
that a string is an expression so that special characters like \ are treated literally.
Suppose some field contains text with embedded phone numbers; Example 5-7 shows
how to extract the phone numbers and turn them into rows all in one step.
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