Database Reference
In-Depth Information
demonstrate an example in Using MS Access with PostgreSQL , where we show how to
make varchar behave without case sensitivity and still be able to use an index.
String Functions
Common string manipulations are padding ( lpad , rpad ), trimming whitespace ( rtrim ,
ltrim , trim , btrim ), extracting substrings ( substring ), and concatenating ( || ).
Example 5-2 demonstrates padding, and Example 5-3 demonstrates trimming.
Example 5-2. Using lpad and rpad
SELECT lpad ( 'ab' , 4 , '0' ) As ab_lpad , rpad ( 'ab' , 4 , '0' ) As ab_rpad , lpad ( 'abcde' ,
4 , '0' ) As ab_lpad_trunc ;
ab_lpad | ab_rpad | ab_lpad_trunc
00ab | ab00 | abcd
lpad truncates instead of padding if string is too long.
By default, trim functions remove spaces, but you can pass in an optional argument
indicating other characters to trim.
Example 5-3. Trimming spaces and characters
a As a_before , trim ( a ) As a_trim , rtrim ( a ) As a_rt ,
i As i_before , ltrim ( i , '0' ) As i_lt_0 ,
rtrim ( i , '0' ) As i_rt_0 , trim ( i , '0' ) As i_t_0
FROM ( SELECT repeat ( ' ' , 4 ) || i || repeat ( ' ' , 4 ) As a , '0' || i As i FROM gener
ate_series ( 0 , 200 , 50 ) As i
) As x ;
a_before | a_trim | a_rt | i_before | i_lt_0 | i_rt_0 | i_t_0
0 | 0 | 0 | 00 | | |
50 | 50 | 50 | 050 | 50 | 05 | 5
100 | 100 | 100 | 0100 | 100 | 01 | 1
150 | 150 | 150 | 0150 | 150 | 015 | 15
200 | 200 | 200 | 0200 | 200 | 02 | 2
Version 9.0 introduced a helpful string aggregate function called string_agg , which we
demonstrate in Example 3-11 and Example 5-21 . string_agg is equivalent in concept
to the group_concat function in MySQL.
Splitting Strings into Arrays, Tables, or Substrings
There are a couple of useful functions in PostgreSQL for tearing strings apart.
The split_part function is useful for getting an element of a delimited string, as shown
in Example 5-4 .
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