Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
If you specify the number of columns, the column width will be calculated
automatically (total width/number of columns). Or, it you specify the
column width, the number of columns will be calculated automatically
(total width/single column width).
The same thing applies to rows. Either specify the number of rows, and
the row height will be calculated automatically (total height/number
of rows), or specify the row height, and the number of rows will be
calculated automatically (total height/single row height).
Click OK and AutoCAD will prompt:
Specify fi rst corner:
Specify second corner:
Specify two opposite corners and the table will be available for input just
like the previous method.
To edit cell content, simply double-click the cell and it will be available for
Workshop 16-A
1. Start AutoCAD 2010.
2. Open the fi le Workshop_16.dwg .
3. Make the Text layer the current layer.
Look at the following illustration. Using the Door Schedule table style,
add a table just like the one here, using the following:
a. Specify insertion point
b. Columns
c. Column Width
d. Data Rows
e. Row Height
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