Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
touches, such as iPad docks, or else take refuge in the large old manor house near the cliffs
of Hunneberg that houses Hunnebergs Vandrarhem & Kursgård ( 0521-22 03 40; ; Bergagårdsvägen 9B, Vargön; dm/s Skr250/300; ) , a large, well-
equipped SVIF hostel. Take bus 62 from the town square to Vägporten, then walk 500m.
The helpful tourist office ( 0521-135 09; ; Järnvägsbacken
1C; 9am-6pm Mon-Fri, 10am-3pm Sat & Sun) is located at the train station. Local buses 61,
62 and 65 run from the town square to Trollhättan every half-hour, with onward bus con-
nections to Göteborg (Skr89, 1½ hours).
SJ trains to Göteborg (Skr120, 50 minutes) run at least hourly.
0520 / Pop 46,457
'Trollywood', as it's colloquially known, is home to Sweden's film industry. A number of
local and foreign flicks have been shot in and around the town, including Lebanese-
Swedish director Josef Fares' Oscar-nominated Jalla! Jalla! (2000) and Danish director
Lars von Trier's Dancer in the Dark (1999), Dogville (2002) and Manderlay (2005). Troll-
hättan itself has the air of a surreal film set: looming warehouses, foggy canals, crashing
waterfalls and a futuristic cable car all give it a bizarre and thrilling edge. The locks and
canals have been the town's lifeblood for centuries, and Trollhättan has made the most of
its industrial heritage, with red-brick warehouses housing everything from crowd-pleasing
museums to the odd art installation.
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