Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Should you ever decide that you'd like to create new Tumblr blogs in addition to your
primary blog, you have two options: You can create a new separate primary blog or a
new linked additional blog. A separate primary blog is useful if you want to use a differ-
ent e-mail address or make the new blog totally unrelated to your original blog. In con-
trast, a new linked blog uses the same e-mail account and password as your original ac-
count but with a new URL. The beauty of this type of account is that you can administer
all your linked blog accounts from the main Tumblr Dashboard. Not only that, but sec-
ondary accounts may even have multiple authors (contributors). Cool!
New primary blog
To make a new blog that is 100% separate from your existing blog account, log out of
your current blog, return to Tumblr's main create account page, and create a new ac-
count with a different e-mail address, password, and URL (as described in Chapter 1).
Then, each time you want to manage a particular blog, you will need to log in with the
appropriate e-mail address, password, and URL, make your changes, and log out.
New additional blog
To create a new additional blog that is linked to your primary account, follow these
1. Click the Add Blog (+) icon on the Tumblr Dashboard.
This opens the Create a New Blog page, shown in Figure 4-2.
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