Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The Ant tasks can be an excellent choice in a security-constrained environment, as
they may be executed directly on the server console and thus do not require any
external XML:DB network access to the host. You may, of course, also choose to exe‐
cute these against a remote eXist server; however, that will have an impact on your
security model, as you will also need to allow the XML:DB protocol across the net‐
work between your client and server.
Permission Management with the Java Admin Client
Modifying permissions in eXist is relatively simple with the Java Admin Client. First,
you must select a resource or collection in the resource list by clicking on it; then you
simply open the File menu and click the “Resource properties” menu item to display
the Resource Properties dialog (see Figure 8-15 ).
Figure 8-15. Accessing the “Resource properties” menu item
The Resource Properties dialog ( Figure 8-16 ) allows you to change the permission
mode applied to the resource using a convenient grid of checkboxes so that you need
not remember how to describe the mode in octal format.
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