Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
In addition to showing vanishing points for each wall, there is now a point show-
ing those walls receding into the ground or high in space.
2. Choose View > Perspective Grid > Two Point Perspective > [2P-Normal View].
Notice that the grid changes back to the default two-point perspective.
Adjusting the perspective grid
To create artwork in the perspective you want, you can adjust the grid using the Perspective
Grid tool ( ) or using the View > Perspective Grid > Define Grid command. You can make
changes to the grid if you have content on it, although it will be easier to establish what
your grid looks like before you add content. In this section, you'll make a few adjustments
to the grid. First, you'll move the grid where you're going to draw some boxes. You can
also draw content in the default grid position and move that content later.
1. Make sure that the Smart Guides are on (View > Smart Guides).
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