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Table 2.4 Relative free energies and internuclear distances at various states of RNA
self-cleavage in HHR
Reactant TS1
Intermediate TS2
C17:O2 0 d P
3.50 (04)
1.76 (05)
1.66 (03)
1.67 (03)
1.68 (03)
P d C1.1:O5 0
1.65 (03)
2.11 (05)
4.51 (04)
4.24 (48)
3.63 (23)
G8:O2 0 d H
0.96 (00)
0.96 (00)
0.96 (00)
1.78 (04)
3.75 (04)
H d C1.1:O5 0
2.57 (51)
4.07 (47)
4.13 (73)
1.03 (03)
1.00 (03)
Mg 2 þ d C1.1:O5 0 3.99 (18)
3.61 (17)
2.02 (05)
2.83 (86)
4.48 (05)
Mg 2 þ d G8:O2 0
4.56 (18)
4.03 (18)
4.33 (06)
3.38 (86)
2.03 (05)
0.0 (4)
24.4 (6)
6.7 (3)
13.7 (7)
13.6 (9)
Free energies ( G ) are in kcal/mol, which were extracted from 1D PMF profiles along the minimum
free-energy path in the 2D profiles. Average distances ( X Y ) are in ˚ . Standard deviations are listed in
parentheses divided by the decimal precision of the average values.
Mg 2 þ -binding mode as a second dimension. Table 2.4 summarizes key
average geometrical parameters and free-energy values for stationary points
along the minimum free-energy reaction paths derived from the two
separate 2D PMF profiles, which are the dark arrow in Fig. 2.5 B and the
white arrow in Fig. 2.5 C, respectively.
3.1.2 Phosphoryl transfer is rate limiting and facilitated by electrostatic
stabilization by Mg
Figure 2.5 B depicts the 2D free-energy profile for the Mg 2 þ -binding mode
during the phosphoryl transfer step. Comparing to the free-energy barrier in
another 2D PMF profile for the general acid catalysis ( Fig. 2.5 C), we con-
clude that this phosphoryl step is rate controlling. To further refine the sam-
plings in MD simulations, we generated a 1D PMF profile following the
minimum free-energy reaction path ( Fig. 2.5 B). The computed free-energy
barrier for this rate-controlling step is approximately 24.4 kcal/mol.
The minimum free-energy reaction path indicates that the position of
the Mg 2 þ ion follows the negative charge along the phosphoryl transfer
reaction coordinate, in order to provide electrostatic stabilization. The
change in the Mg 2 þ position is continuous and monotonic throughout
the phosphoryl transfer step ( Fig. 2.5 B), although it is most pronounced
in the initial and final stages when the nucleophile and leaving group have
the greatest negative charge. The transition state is late ( Table 2.5 and
Fig. 2.5 ), having a P d C1.1:O5 0 distance of 2.11 ˚ . As the P d C1.1:O5 0
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