Java Reference
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Canvas A blank rectangular area of the screen onto which an application can
draw and receive input from the user in the form of keyboard and mouse
events. In Swing, this is implemented by extending JPanel . (939)
Component An abstract class that is the superclass of many AWT objects. Rep-
resents something that has a position and a size and that can be painted on
the screen as well as receive input events. (932)
Container The abstract superclass representing all components that can hold
other components. Typically has an associated layout manager. (933)
event Produced by the operating system for various occurrences, such as input
operations, and passed to Java. (947)
FlowLayout A layout that is the default for JPanel . Used to lay out a container
by adding components in a row from left to right. When there is no room
left in a row, a new row is formed. (941)
graphical user interface (GUI) The modern alternative to terminal I/O that
allows a program to communicate with its user via buttons, check boxes,
text fields, choice lists, menus, and the mouse. (929)
Graphics An abstract class that defines several methods that can be used to
draw shapes. (945)
JButton A component used to create a labeled button. When the button is
pushed, an action event is generated. (937)
JCheckBox A component that has an on state and an off state. (939)
JComboBox A component used to select a single string via a pop-up list of
choices. (937)
JComponent An abstract class that is the superclass of lightweight Swing
objects. (933)
JDialog A top-level window used to create dialogs. (934)
JFrame A top-level window that has a border and can also have an associated
JMenuBar . (934)
JLabel A component that is used to label other components such as a
JComboBox , JList , JTextField , or JPanel . (937)
JList A component that allows the selection from a scrolling list of strings.
Can allow one or multiple selected items but uses more screen real estate
than JComboBox . (938)
JPanel A container used to store a collection of objects but does not create
borders. Also used for canvases. (934)
JTextArea A component that presents the user with several lines of text. (940)
JTextField A component that presents the user with a single line of text. (940)
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