Java Reference
In-Depth Information
This appendix examined the basics of the Swing package, which allows the
programming of GUIs. This makes the program look much more professional
than simple terminal I/O.
GUI applications differ from terminal I/O applications in that they are
event-driven. To design a GUI, we write a class. We must decide on the basic
input elements and output elements, pick a layout and issue a setLayout com-
mand, add components to the GUI using add , and handle events. All this is
part of the class. Starting with Java 1.1, event-handling is done with event lis-
Once this class is written, an application defines a class that extends
JFrame with a main routine and an event handler. The event handler processes
the window-closing event. The simplest way to do this is to use the
CloseableFrame class in Figure B.14. The main routine simply creates an
instance of this extended frame class, places an instance of the class (whose
constructor likely creates a GUI panel) inside the frame's content pane, and
issues a pack command and a show command for the frame.
Only the basics of Swing have been discussed here. Swing is the topic of
entire books.
key concepts
Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) A GUI toolkit that is supplied with all Java
systems. Provides the basic classes to allow user interfaces. (930)
ActionEvent An event generated when a user presses a JButton , hits Return in a
JTextField , or selects from a JList or JMenuItem . Should be handled by the
actionPerformed method in a class that implements the ActionListener
interface. (947)
ActionListener interface An interface used to handle action events. Contains
the abstract method actionPerformed . (947)
actionPerformed A method used to handle action events. (947)
AWTEvent An object that stores information about an event. (947)
BorderLayout The default for objects in the Window hierarchy. Used to lay out a
container by placing components in one of five locations ( "North" ,
"South" , "East" , "West" , "Center" ). (941)
ButtonGroup An object used to group a collection of button objects and guaran-
tee that only one may be on at any time. (939)
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