Java Reference
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classes may not have static fields or methods, except for static final fields.
Inner classes may have nested classes or interfaces. Finally, when you com-
pile the above example, you will see that the compiler generates a class file
named MyContainer$LocalIterator.class , which would have to be included in
any distribution to clients. In other words, each inner and nested class is a
class and has a corresponding class file. Anonymous classes use numbers
instead of names.
the AbstractCollection class
Before we implement the ArrayList class, observe that some of the methods in the
Collection interface can be easily implemented in terms of others. For instance,
isEmpty is easily implemented by checking if the size is 0. Rather than doing so in
ArrayList , LinkedList , and all the other concrete implementations, it would be
preferable to do this once and use inheritance to obtain isEmpty . We could even
override isEmpty if it turns out that for some collections there is a faster way of
performing isEmpty than computing the current size. However, we cannot imple-
ment isEmpty in the Collection interface; this can only be done in an abstract
class. This will be the AbstractCollection class. To simplify implementations,
programmers designing new Collections classes can extend the AbstractCollec-
tion class rather than implementing the Collection interface. A sample imple-
mentation of AbstractCollection is shown in Figures 15.10 to 15.12.
The Collections API also defines additional classes such as AbstractList ,
AbstractSequentialList , and AbstractSet . We have chosen not to implement
those, in keeping with our intention of providing a simplified subset of the
Collections API. If, for some reason, you are implementing your own collec-
tions and extending the Java Collections API, you should extend the most spe-
cific abstract class.
In Figure 15.10, we see implementations of isEmpty , clear , and add . The
first two methods have straightforward implementations. Certainly the imple-
mentation of clear is usable, since it removes all items in the collection, but
there might be more efficient ways of performing the clear , depending on the
type of collection being manipulated. Thus this implementation of clear
serves as a default, but it is likely to be overridden. There is no sensible way
of providing a usable implementation for add . So the two alternatives are to
make add abstract (which is clearly doable, since AbstractCollection is
abstract) or to provide an implementation that throws a runtime exception.
We have done the latter, which matches the behavior in java.util . (Further
down the road, this decision also makes it easier to create the class needed to
express the values of a map). Figure 15.11 provides default implementations
The Abstract-
Collection imple-
ments some of the
methods in the
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