Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Iterator The Collections API interface that specifies the protocol for a uni-
directional iterator. (240)
list A collection of items in which the items have a position. (248)
List The Collections API interface that specifies the protocol for a list. (248)
ListIterator The Collections API interface that provides bidirectional iteration.
linked list A data structure that is used to avoid large amounts of data move-
ment. It uses a small amount of extra space per item. (251)
LinkedList The Collections API class that implements a linked list. (251)
Map The Collections API interface that abstracts a collection of pairs consist-
ing of keys and their values and maps keys to values. (268)
Map.Entry Abstracts the idea of a pair in a map. (272)
operator precedence parsing An algorithm that uses a stack to evaluate expres-
sions. (260)
priority queue A data structure that supports access of the minimum item only.
programming to an interface The technique of using classes by writing in
terms of the most abstract interface. Attempts to hide even the name of the
concrete class that is being operated on. (235)
queue A data structure that restricts access to the least recently inserted item. (260)
Set The Collections API interface that abstracts a collection with no dupli-
cates. (261)
SortedSet The Collections API interface that abstracts a sorted set with no
duplicates. (263)
stack A data structure that restricts access to the most recently inserted item.
TreeMap The Collections API implementation of a Map with ordered keys. (268)
TreeSet The Collections API implementation of a SortedSet . (264)
common errors
Do not worry about low-level optimizations until after you have concen-
trated on basic design and algorithmic issues.
When you send a function object as a parameter, you must send a con-
structed object, and not simply the name of the class.
When using a Map , if you are not sure if a key is in the map, you may need
to use containsKey rather than checking the result of get .
A priority queue is not a queue. It just sounds like it is.
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