Java Reference
In-Depth Information
O ( )
Most recent only, pop ,
Very very fast
O ( )
Least recent only, dequeue ,
Very very fast
O ( N )
Any item
O (log N )
Any item by name or rank,
Average case easy to do; worst case requires effort
O ( )
Any item by name,
Average case
O ( )
O (log N )
O ( )
O (log N )
findMin ,
insert is
on average,
worst case
deleteMin ,
figure 6.43
A summary of some data structures
key concepts
Arrays Contains a set of static methods that operate on arrays. (246)
binary heap Implements the priority queue in logarithmic time per operation
using an array. (275)
binary search tree A data structure that supports insertion, removal, and
searching. We can also use it to access the K th smallest item. The cost is
logarithmic average-case time for a simple implementation and logarith-
mic worst-case time for a more careful implementation. (264)
Collection An interface that represents a group of objects, known as its ele-
ments. (237)
Collections A class that contains a set of static methods that operate on
Collection objects. (242)
data structure A representation of data and the operations allowed on that
data, permitting component reuse. (230)
factory method A method that creates new concrete instances but returns them
using a reference to an abstract class. (235)
hashCode A method used by HashSet that must be overridden for objects if the
object's equals method is overridden. (268)
HashMap The Collections API implementation of a Map with unordered keys. (268)
HashSet The Collections API implementation of an (unordered) Set . (264)
iterator An object that allows access to elements in a container. (240)
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