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// firing isn't in the default spaceship
// (BaseTopDownSpaceShip.cs) behavior, so we add it here
fire_input= mouse_input.GetFire();
} else {
// we're overriding the default input function to add in the
// ability to fire
horizontal_input= default_input.GetHorizontal();
vertical_input= default_input.GetVertical();
The BaseTopDownSpaceShip controller script only includes code to move the
spaceship around and not to fire, so we need to add some code here to detect the fire
button from the default_input input controller and to set the variable fire_input:
fire_input= default_input.GetFire();
The enemy projectiles are on layer 17—named enemy_projectile—which is set by
the enemy weapon's mounting point. Whichever layer the mounting point is set at will
be used for its projectiles. Here OnCollisionEnter() looks for collisions between the
player and the enemy projectiles to see whether or not the player should lose a life:
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collider)
The collider belonging to the other object involved in a collision is passed in by the
engine, as a parameter, to this function. The collider's gameObject layer is checked to see
whether it matches the enemy projectile layer 17. If the player is not respawning and is not
set to be invulnerable, we can go ahead and call the LostLife() function:
if(collider.gameObject.layer==17 && !isRespawning &&
Power-ups, which upgrade the weapon, are gameObjects with box colliders on that
are set to be triggers (the IsTrigger property of the collider set to true via the Unity editor
Inspector window). When the player hits the trigger, a sound is played and the power-up
is destroyed. To upgrade the weapon, the weapon controller is told to advance on to the
next weapon slot.
What this means is that the weapon system should be set up so that the lowest-
powered weapon is in the first slot and, progressively, more powerful weapons set in each
slot up from there. Adding and setting up weapons are simply a case of using the Unity
editor Inspector window (with the player gameObject selected) and dragging in the pre-
fabs for each weapon into the Weapons array of the Standard_Slot Weapon Controller
component (see Figure 14.3).
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